Rashad was not in attendance so when Morgan Geist's mix of "Tonight" came on (I think... or an equally epic song) I took out my phone to take a quick 30-second video. I totally know you're not supposed to take videos, but I really wanted to send the video to Rashad, so I did it anyway.
Needless to say I was reprimanded and playing dumb (which I obviously couldn't do, I'm there like every week) was not an option. I erased the video, apologized and all was OK - I guess? Then I felt really bad and proceeded to find my friend who works there and apologize before one of the security guards talked about the stupid drunk Asian girl running around attempting to take videos. Moral of the story? If you want to take a video, or take pictures, don't.
Which is exactly why it's taken me a week to muster up any sort of post. Well, that and because I suck. I've been attending shows, cooking, baking, and well, stepping away from le blog for some decompressing time. It's hard to write if you have nothing to say (duh), and to completely sugar coat something, make myself write, or write about something that doesn't interest me isn't something I want to do. And let's be real: you'd totally see through the facade as well, think I'm a total fake, and then we'd lose like all 6 of our readers at DPC.
So yea. About this mid-day dance party. It's by the German Trio, Space Ranger... I love their December mix (I have the mix on a cd that is constantly playing in my car because my iPod thing doesn't work in it - so sometimes you'll come into my car and my iPhone is playing music instead of the stereo... #ghettocarproblems) and House of Disco Guestmix. You should probably listen to the HOD Guestmix after this because you'll probably be on a Space Ranger binge. There's also a nice written up interview to go along with the mix that's super informational. #winning
Rashad has a secret crush on them, and maybe I do too. And!!!! Now that you've eaten lunch and want to take a nap, but can't - I suggest you put on some headphones and get lost in this disco-house podcast by Space Ranger.
Podcast for www.freakin.co.uk by Space Ranger
01. Edwin Van CLEEF - Triton (Pharao Black Magic remix)
02. Borderline - Stay
03. Cut Copy - Blink And Youll Miss A Revolution (Tory y Moy Remix)
04. Space Ranger - Chunky Guitar (forthcoming on Greenskeepers Music)
05. Pharao Black Magic - Mambo Marimba (Original)
06. The Units - More Alike (Sare Havlicek mix)
07. Trickski & Soul Clap - Members Of The Clap (Original Mix)
08. Wolfram - A Thing Called Love
09. Lou Teti - Elisco Space Ranger (forthcoming on Deep&Disco)
10. Space Ranger - Nothing's Wrong (Barbena Mix, forthcoming on Lovemonk rec.)
11. Pete Gooding & Chris Coco - Believe (Pharao Black Magic Mix)
Other installments of Mid-Day DDPs:
Round I (U-Tern Mid Week Mix on Modular People)
Round II (Slow Hands - Diesel Japan Mix Aug 2011)
Round III (Kiwi - Summer Mix)
Round IV (Cooper Saver - Exclusive Mix for Pollo Erotico)
Round V (Social Disco Club - Disco Deviance Pulse Radio Show)
Round VI (Gigamesh - Check Yo PonyTail Mixtape)
Round VII (aRod - Gotta Dance Dirty)
Round VIII (Mr. Mendel - Discology)
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